I saw this cute little hanging basket in a magazine. I can't remember the price but I thought "I can make that for cheaper" as always :) So I stopped by the Dollar Tree to pick up some of those hanging baskets I've seen recently. I had two different kinds of twine on hand but they have it at the dollar tree for a dollar. So total this project will cost you $2.
Better Homes and Gardens:

Read on for a Tutorial!
First of all I would like to say, make sure that you have at least and Hour... and a good movie/show on. Cuz this project gets a little tedious. I know.. not what you want to hear. But if you have thicker twine or rope it will go much faster.
You will need:
-hot glue gun
ONE: Flip your basket upside down. My basket had a clips so i could take off the chain which made things a little easier. Start with one end of your twine and glue it to the bottom of the basket. Continue to glue and wrap in a spiral around the basket. I started with one but ended up doubling up and wrapping two strands at a time to speed things up.

you can switch up the twine colors if you want so its striped looking or do the top inch in the different color twine. Whatever you like :)

Better Homes and Gardens:

Read on for a Tutorial!
First of all I would like to say, make sure that you have at least and Hour... and a good movie/show on. Cuz this project gets a little tedious. I know.. not what you want to hear. But if you have thicker twine or rope it will go much faster.
-hot glue gun
ONE: Flip your basket upside down. My basket had a clips so i could take off the chain which made things a little easier. Start with one end of your twine and glue it to the bottom of the basket. Continue to glue and wrap in a spiral around the basket. I started with one but ended up doubling up and wrapping two strands at a time to speed things up.
TWO: Continue wrapping.....
THREE: Continue wrapping.....
you can switch up the twine colors if you want so its striped looking or do the top inch in the different color twine. Whatever you like :)
Then FINALLLYYYY you're done. And you will have something like this:
Then you can put some flowers in it! I had some basil growing that I planted from seeds that I got 2/$1 at the dollar tree so I put them in there. Flowers will probably look prettier tho :)
I think I'm going to have to wait a little while before I do the other one because I got a little bored :P I like instant gratification and it was a little tedious. But it turned out looking really nice. Super cheap way to dress up a dollar store basket. I have two hanging on my patio and now they don't match.. That will probably be my motivation to do the other one. haha. Have fun!
Don't know auther
Don't know auther
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